:30 “HOA”

Writer: Andrew Frame


(fx: spring day, birds, etc. Sounds of someone digging)

MV1: (friendly) Hey neighbor! What’s up?

MV2: (working) Tired of Daisy getting out, so putting in a fence.

MV1: HOA might have something to say about that.

MV2: (annoyed) The HOA said my house wasn’t the right shade of beige last year.

MV1: I got Invisible Fence for my place. Keeps Daisy in the yard, and … (conspiratorial whisper) the HOA is none the wiser.

MV3: (Whiny, irritating voice)(fx: golf cart pulls up quickly, brakes) Mister Johnson! The HOA has noticed your little project.

ANX: Invisible Fence, passionate about protecting pets. Free estimates, and now mobile alerts! At “invisible fence dot com”. Never wonder - if they wander!