:60 “OOOOHH”

Writer: Andrew Frame


ANX: When people come in to Northwoods Pets in Rhinelander …

FV1: Hi, I’d like to ooohhh!

ANX: Guinea pigs, and reptiles and fish and …

FV1: Oooo look at the birrrrrddddd!


ANX: Northwoods Pets on Lincoln Street knows all about people and pets! Food and supplies for cats and dogs, plus live small animals, reptiles, birds, fish …

FV1: Who’s the pretty boy?

ANX: And all their supplies, too!

FV1: You are!

ANX: From fins to scales, feathers to fur …

FV1: You just so pretty!


ANX: We love all pets! Northwoods Pets on Lincoln Street near Hobby Lobby in Rhinelander, on Facebook, and at “north woods pets dot com”!